Monday, October 12, 2009

Please take note:
16/10 this coming friday there will be Np activity.

SEC 1s:
Footdrill and Campcraft and PT

SEC 2s:
Campcraft test (practical & theory) and PT

All are required to bring your full uniform and PT kit.
As usual, the activity starts at 2.15pm

Those who see this message please help to inform your squadmates. Thanks.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

7th January 2009 Activity

JianSheng here again... There will be an activity on Wednesday, 7th Jan ... Post on tis blog cos its not exactly a normal npcc activity...

2.30pm-3.30pm Briefing on CCA orientation 09'
3.30pm-4.30pm Ownself Rehearsal (Fancy Drill & Taekwondo)
4.30pm-5.30pm Combined Rehearsal ( Fancy Drill & Taekwondo)

***For those who are not participating in the fancy drill or taekwondo performances, you all are only required to attend the briefing on the CCA orientation 09'. After tat. u all are dismissed... The attire for you all will be school uniform.. Same thing fall in 15mins earlier...

***For those who are participating in the fancy drill and taekwondo performances, you all are required to be in your respective attire. Fancy drill to be in half uniform. Pe tee... Taekwondo to be in your full gear...

***Squad IC remember to inform your squad bout tis activity... All are supposed to attend unless they can provide a valid reason or MC.... Thanks and if u all have any probs, feel free to ask me, JianSheng....=)